

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cross Country Trip Home To California- Stop Two in Texas

So we have made it to our second stop in Texas.  We have one more hotel stay in New Mexico, but I think I am going to see how far I can get and try to get to Arizona, so my final leg to my dad's house isn't very long.  This past leg was a safe and nice trip, it rained most of the time and was cloudy, but that was nice because we didn't have to deal with the heat and humidity.  We stopped early in the trip because I had a FaceTime date with my crafting friends in Virginia.  FaceTime is nice to see, chat, and be part of what was going on, but it just wasn't the same as being there.  Besides the internet kept freezing up so I would be just looking at a frozen screen for a bit and missing some of the conversation.
         Last night when I was trying to fall asleep, I decided that I am going to try and make covered baby wipe containers.  I know some people may not want to buy for something they can get for $1, but if it coordinated with their other stuff and looks totally cute I think people will.  I have a bow making associate that makes them, but her's are covered in flower ribbon, so they are just for girls.  I think I am going to try to make them with the cotton I use for the baby blankets so they coordinate wit the blanket and burp clothes.  I am going to experiment when I get home and see how it works out and if it looks good, and see how it will effect the amount of fabric I will need for a complete baby set.
     I so can't wait until I get home and I can get all my stuff out and figured out so I can start crafting and get stuff posted.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


   I am so sorry I have not done anything with this blog since I set it up.  I have been in the process of moving and not working and enjoying having nothing to do.  But we are finally on the road and heading to California!! Right now we are in Houston, TX :(, I'm not a Texas fan, sorry.  But by Sunday we will be in California.  Once we are home and I have Hayden FINALLY in school for the year, yeah call me a bad mom but California starts way earlier than when I was going to school and I wasn't going to have him go to school in Virginia for a few days and that's it, I will start working on getting my dad's house livable by more than just him and part of that is getting my office going, which hopefully will be my temporary craft room too.  As I get stuff done, I will post pictures on this website and of course as I am getting my supplies unloaded from the move I will also post pictures of the fabric since I will probably be touching every single piece as I am unpacking it and putting it where it will live for now.
   While we are on our cross country trip I will try to post some of the stuff we are doing and since my brain never stops, any new ideas I have from the trip.  I already have figured out which one of the bows I am going to put instructions on this site for, my basic bow tie bow.  It's the first bow I saw and wanted to make and figured I could make it.  It's pretty simple and you can make them too if you want too, I don't mind if you make your own bows, I will be pleased I taught you a craft, but I know there are the people that don't have the time, skills or just don't want to make bows, so I know I will still have customers.  Well I need to get some other stuff done so I can get to bed, so I can get up early and get on the road early because I have a Pinterest party date tomorrow night and I would like to be in a hotel when I am virtually chatting with my crafting friends in Virginia.  Everyone have a great night and remember tomorrow is TGIF!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Product tag

So in yesterday's mail I finally received my Pickyourplum.com customized wooden tags!  I am going to put some ink on them to add a little color, but I am so happy with them and they are going to help people remember my company.  I am right at this moment working on designing my business cards.  Kind of stinks that I am going to have to order new ones shortly, but at least I will have some for right now.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Website/ Blog

So for people that do not have a Facebook account I decided to make this blog to kind of also be a website accessible by anyone.  I will add the fabrics and ribbon and already made product that I have for sale on here, just like I do on Facebook.  I will try to keep it up to date as much as possible.  Also I did make an email account to so you can communicate with me more privately.  The email address is thepurpledragonflybaby@gmail.com.  I am still making baby/toddler bows, receiving blankets and two different kinds of burp clothes.  As I start making different items I will post what they are and how much they are.  I will also try to post free tutorials so you can make your own stuff if you want to be crafty, but I know I have friends and family that are not crafty so will keep buying from me.  Happy Crafting everyone!